Emailing me looking for help, support, and guidance with inappropriate behaviors and thoughts is fine However, any attempt to request or send me CSEM will result in a report to law enforcement and your email service provider I will include GPG messages with their respective session key in the reports I ask you be over the age of 18 if you contact me, unless its something serious (such as an abuse report) If you are under the age of 18 I may either cut the conversation short or ignore the message GPG is not required to email me, its simply if you want it -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mDMEZB0NAxYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdAdOTzv8qagosr2VdVgXKu/mg5NYDZEQWDoeCe vi0rFsu0I1JhY2Nvb25kYWQgPHJhY2Nvb25kYWRAaTJwbWFpbC5vcmc+iJAEExYI ADgWIQTo/VDl+UWrgNJPsgH7u30g9CDfhgUCZB0NAwIbAwULCQgHAgYVCgkICwIE FgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRD7u30g9CDfhnEUAP9p4RTMojwcdmBeFdcQ5L/SO1ctZUSY xCnfGBQv86JR+gEArcYu4aMXPuh5JjP1qbugi+MkzUMwP0xlmC20VIa5ngy4OARk HQ0DEgorBgEEAZdVAQUBAQdAmDJ+/oFS3gk8K4c5JL+OeQ+KhYXX/8SxsRtCOTZk 5ScDAQgHiHgEGBYIACAWIQTo/VDl+UWrgNJPsgH7u30g9CDfhgUCZB0NAwIbDAAK CRD7u30g9CDfhvTXAP4q+BKz7dx6LzzdFYVm81xMtpE6ORUiusNnqtsXLhQkSAD/ SuMcvaNh6K239JdLvD5/GyiL/luhF/zcK6b1SgjXnQ4= =X+pD -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----